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Jessica's Story...

Having journeyed through the realm of makeup since she was a teenager, her skills have evolved through numerous trials and errors. I started in an era before the of time of YouTube tutorials, navigating the beauty and self-care world with limited knowledge. This experience has fueled Jessica's passion for assisting others by sharing the lessons that she had learned along the way.


As a Christian makeup artist, Jessica distinguishes herself by emphasizing that makeup doesn't define one's beauty; instead, it enhances the inherent beauty already there. Her mission is to empower women and young ladies, reminding them that they are fearfully and wonderfully made by God, with true beauty radiating from the inside out. In a society often imposing unrealistic standards, even on young children.


Jessica firmly believes that every facial feature is unique and beautiful, necessitating personalized techniques to enhance individual natural beauty through makeup. As a multi-cultural makeup artist, she takes joy in working with women from diverse cultures, celebrating the beauty found in every skin color.


Jessica commitment to excellence propels her to invest extensive time in continuous learning. Staying updated on the latest trends and techniques ensures that she can provide clients with exceptional service tailored to their specific needs. When working with a client, she meticulously study and research their preferences, allowing her to personalize their makeup experience for optimal results.


Recently, she has made a significant shift towards clean beauty—opting for all-natural, non-toxic makeup. Jessica decided to get rid of all her beauty products of what she once believed was clean but discovered sneaky harmful chemicals. Starting afresh, this transition is not just for her; it's a commitment to leading by example for her daughters and other women. She firmly believe that makeup should never compromise your health, and this choice reflects her dedication to a healthier and more conscious approach to beauty.

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